The church is found inside the boundaries and with its massive form to unique classroom, it strongly characterizes the aspect of the country. Held up by the Benedictine monks that possessed in the proximities an abbey and the church of San Maurizio has almost entirely been rebuilt in 1883 on a medieval building among the most ancient of the area.
- Category: Monumenti
It is a Benedictine conventual complex that is found near the fraction of Sorbolongo, out of the boundaries, on the secondary road that conducts to the cemetery of the country. The monastery was founded in the years around Thousand and fù one of the most important Benedictine centers in the area, having the follow-up of Reforzate, Sorbolongo and Villa del Monte.
- Category: Monumenti
L'ex edificio Comunale, da poco restaurato ed adibito ad ostello della gioventù, conserva ancora un pregievole campanile in ferro battuto, che contiene due campane in bronzo, le quali sono collegate all'orologio funzionante con ingranaggi a pesi anch'esso recentemente restaurato.